“Their expertise and guidance have been invaluable to our management team. PMg’s construction guidance and approach to managing construction projects is exceptional. They have provided us the ability to make sound, informed decisions at every step of the process; in turn we have been able to save time, money and proceed with confidence. PMg’s professional staff is truly engaged, competent and experienced. Their only interest is to help us achieve the best results possible.”
Pat Crofts, Chief Executive Officer, Muscogee Nation Casinos
“I could not be more pleased with the degree to which our project intentions have been met and the way in which the PMg’s staff has ushered us through this entire process. Our project manager has been exceptional, and through her considerable knowledge base she has kept us fully informed and properly moving forward. As she said she would be, she has been an extension of our staff. I could not expect more from PMg. They set the customer service bar very high, and they fully deliver.”
Steven H. Davis, Former Executive Director, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
“On behalf of Tulsa County I wish to offer my appreciation for the continuing expertise your firm provides to Tulsa County in the tracking, managing and reporting of the County’s ‘4 to Fix’ capital improvements program.
The systems developed and operating are precisely what was needed to augment and monitor our resources. In addition, distribution of your reporting has been key to our maintaining the public’s confidence during ‘4 to Fix’ implementation.”
John Self, Former Tulsa County Commissioner, District 2
“Tulsa County benefits from the responsiveness, quality and commitment that PMg provides throughout every project. PMg provides the needed transparency to the taxpayers through frequent public information conveyed through an array of opportunities such as their web site, public meetings and annually at the Tulsa State Fair.”
John Smaligo, Former Tulsa County Commissioner, District 1
“I have found PMg’s reports to be consistently concise and reliable. PMg is both timely, thorough and accurate in its reporting. PMg representatives take questions seriously and respond to the STOC promptly. They have adjusted reports at the STOC’s request to enhance transparency, specificity and understanding for the STOC and Tulsa County citizens. Transparency of process and clarity of information is very important to the STOC, and PMg’s dedication to the ease of information flow makes our tasks of program and project review more productive.”
Tony Ringold, Former Vision 2025 Sales Tax Overview Committee Member and 2009 Chair
“Though PMg was providing Program Management services to Tulsa County for Vision 2025 and 4 to Fix I and II prior to my election to the Board of County Commissioners, I have found PMg to be extremely professional and proficient in their execution of the programs. You and your capable support staff skillfully handle the logistics of these extensive programs from reporting, to due diligence of payment reviews, to coordinating the multiple contractors and vendors, to all the needed distribution of public information.”
Karen Keith, Tulsa County Commissioner, District 2
“From identifying reporting requirements and making sure funds were available to keeping track of reporting and reimbursement documents and deadlines, the Program Management Group was exceptional at its task that required precise and detailed focus and management for success.”
Keith Isbell, Former Chief Communications Officer, Broken Arrow Public Schools
“The Keystone Corridor Redevelopment Project by nature required a team approach to identify solutions to some difficult challenges. You worked closely with the numerous entities and City staff involved and your highly organized approach was instrumental in keeping the lines of communication open.”
Douglas J. Enevoldsen, Former City Manager, Sand Springs, OK
“Tulsa County is fortunate to have a professional with your expertise as the Vision 2025 Program Manager to assist the Board of County Commissioners in its mission.”
Wilbert E. Collins, Former Tulsa County Commissioner, District 1
“Co-owners / Managing Directors Kirby Crowe and Diane Byer, with their effective team of dedicated professionals, have performed well in managing our ‘Vision 2025’, our ‘4 to Fix’ the County and our ‘4 to Fix’ II capital improvement and economic development programs. Their ability to juggle all aspects of these multiple phased projects has been commendable.”
Fred Perry, Former Tulsa County Commissioner, District 3
“…thank you for your contributions to our selection process. Nice job, we have very much appreciated all of the formal and informal assistance! I know that at times we would have been lost without you guys.”
– Gail Morris, Director, Finance & Capital Projects, Tulsa City-County Library System